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About Thyme


My name is Kadi Knight. I am a certified Clinical Herbalist as well as a Personal Chef and Wellness Coach. I provide personalized culinary and dietary help to individuals with specific dietary issues such as; food allergies, cancer, heart disease, digestive issues, weight loss...etc, as well as help them to figure out their constitutional body type, which is based on Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) principles. I help clients either to learn how to prepare the meals that they love, but with diet appropriate ingredients or prepare them if needed. I also help them to understand how to weed out all the bad misleading toxic food that tempts us all at the grocery store and at restaurants. I will even take clients to the grocery store to show them how to avoid those temptations. Here is how my services came about:
In January 2012, something happened that completely changed the way I look at our country’s idea of “health care,” and food that we, as a society, consume and seem to revolve our lives around.

My boyfriend at the time was diagnosed with stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer. He was only 40 years old! We chose to fight it with whatever means were available. His father--a physician--referred us to a wonderful oncologist who was very open to any treatment that might  work, whether he was familiar with it or not. He managed to figure out the perfect blend of various drugs to fight these nasty and typically very aggressive cancer cells. But, we knew that these drugs also damage good healthy cells in the process of destroying the bad ones.
So, we went to see an amazing and very knowledgeable herbalist who worked with all the information provided by our oncologist, in order to try and keep as many of the good healthy cells alive and strong. With the two doctors basically working together, the herbalist was able to keep him strong enough to remain working throughout the entire time he was going through the chemo and radiation treatments, which is almost unheard of! He also suffered very few side effects. The herbalist was constantly trying to keep all his levels balanced: as the poisonous chemo and radiation depleted his healthy cells, the vitamins and herbal tinctures were adjusted to counteract them.


A professional chef, myself with an education in food science and nutrition, I immediately started researching all the best foods to fight and prevent cancer, so that we could fight it on that front as well. It is this research that opened my eyes to what is now going on in the "Big Food" industry. My site and business focuses mainly on the dangers in consuming all these processed toxic foods and what kinds of health problems they have been linked to in the last few years.

The diet that I developed for him basically eliminates all such foods. We also completely avoid all red meat, sugar, hard alcohol, and non-organic dairy. We juice fresh organic vegetables and fruits just about every day. On this site and for clients, I will provide links as well as recipes demonstrating some delicious easy ways to incorporate all the good healthy foods into your daily routine, and start to eliminate the problem ones.

In September of 2014, we were married, and in May of 2016, our daughter was born. As of his last scan, he is still cancer free. His herbalist put him on an herbal preventative regimen to keep him strong and virile. He is actually more full of life now than before his diagnosis. We will continue with this diet and lifestyle so that we can both remain healthy and be around for our growing family.

In 2016, I started a three year herbal medicine program taught by the same herbalist that helped my husband to overcome cancer, Nicholas Schnell, Founder and Owner of Four Winds Natural Healing, Clinical Herbalist (CH), Registered Herbalist (RH), Nutritionist, Registered Dietitian (RD), Licensed Medical Nutritionist (LMNT). He opened a whole new world for me, showing me how to integrate my passion for food, cooking, and nutrition with the power of herbs. He showed me how to properly balance herbs with food in order to heal according to each individual’s needs. I have continued to expand my knowledge by taking courses in TCM Diet therapy, studying Ayurvedic diet principles, and attending monthly meetings with other fellow-herbalists as well as taking whatever courses I can find to allow me to keep up on new studies, different perspectives, and case studies.


​It is this journey that has inspired me to help others the way that Nicholas helped us by incorporating my culinary knowledge and ability along with the medicinal power of herbs and other natural supplements. I will do my best to help educate the public on the powerful effects that herbs, and a proper whole food diet, can have on our future health by explaining what they are and how and who they can help. I will also try to offer easy ideas on how to incorporate them into your everyday life, and provide links to credible sources for such. I hope that the information provided on this site will help others to be happy, healthy and cancer free.
